41. évfolyam, 1995. 3. szám



Librarians' image of the future - from the sociologist's perspective. Lacking self-esteem at present?

NAGY Attila

The image of the future of librarians is characterised by pessimism, and the lack of self-knowledge and self-esteem. The possible future image of librarians consists of carrying on present conditions, the projection of their knowledge or the lack of knowledge. Since the library is an important institution of the middle-class, the lack of self esteem among librarians originates from the semi-developed state of the Hungarian middle-class. Librarians will be important to such an extent as the decisions regarding the Hungarian secondary and higher education system, and the strengthening of middle class will be made. The most significant "demand" comes to libraries from education (especially from higher education). The level of education is in turn depending on the effectiveness of library services. The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement examined the reading abilities of 9-14-year-olds in 32 countries. On the bases of some objective factors (e.g. GDP, mean age, number of percapita library items, income of teachers, costs used for education, etc.) results were anticipated. Hungarian children read considerably more than could be expected on the bases of objective factors. It turned out that reading abilities are in very strong correlation with the number of library items, and that of the grades of compulsory education. Aware of this correlation, librarians may be prouder of themselves. In order to be able to sketch an image of the future it should be considered that the strengthening of the cultural, educational sector, thus the increase of library use will be indispensable to catching up with Europe. (pp. 400-405)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár