41. évfolyam, 1995. 2. szám |
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The qualification of librarians
The Readers' Service Unit of the Centre for Library Science and Methodology surveyed the personnel of libraries in January, 1995 to find out what levels of qualification are demanded by libraries, and of what level of staff is there a surplus. The survey used a questionnaire for data gathering supplemented by interviews with the top management of the institutions. Four types of libraries were involved: large special libraries, academic (college and university) libraries, and county libraries. The picture is heterogeneous. The number of college/university graduates is almost too much. Professional staff is applied for jobs that should be performed by medium level staff. The number of those speaking foreign languages is, however, greater than it has been in the former surveys. The structure of the training of librarians, and new requirements in this connection were also dealt with. It turned out that the profession is unable to clearly formulate its needs it terms of the number of librarians demanded in the future. (There is too much uncertainty in every field to be able to give a reliable prognosis in this respect.) Libraries are not interested in supporting further education and training, on the contrary (lack of financial resources for supporting it, loss of working hours, manpower, salary increase after graduation, etc.). More up-to-date knowledge is expected from training in general, and less training institutions would be necessary. Meanwhile more resources (financial and intellectual) should be concentrated in existing training institutions having a good reputation. The Training Unit of the Centre for Library Science and Methodology should carry on its further training programme. (pp. 236-250)
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