50. évfolyam, 2004. 2. szám


Proposal for the position of Director of the National Széchényi Library for the period 2004 – 2008

MONOK, István


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 14. (Vol. 50.) No. 2. 2004. pp.   291–306.

The text of the proposal is published by the applicant himself, currently the director of the National Széchényi Library. The proposal outlines the overall concept of the Library’s services for the next five years, with a focus on the following areas: collection development, current cataloguing, national bibliographic services, readers’ services, the national shared cataloguing system, storage and preservation, research activities, professional training activities, cultural relations, publishing policy, as well as core activities and special projects carried out in cooperation with national and international partners. Issues of management and representation are also dealt with. The concept of the coordination of national digitisation programmes in the library field is also presented. Some priority areas will see further expansion, e.g. the collection of interest of the National Library, the range of services for the national library system, as well as the Hungarian National Bibliography.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár