50. évfolyam, 2004. 1. szám


Expectations and doubts around the electronic book



Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 14. (Vol. 50.) No. 1. 2004. pp.   106–118.

The article offers a comprehensive overview of e–book publishing. A typology of the current – but not very consistent – definitions is offered and some of the advantages and disadvantages of the e–book are listed. The author outlines the expected impact of e–books both on library services and on users’ attitudes. Success or failure of the e–books also depends on the adaptability of the publishing industry that needs to overcome its traditional business models that simply replace the printed book with the e–book.

As the content of e–books is tightly connected with its media and devices, its use has not spread widely yet. Its current formats are far from being user–friendly. With the rapid development of new technologies, purchasing e–books means certain economic risks. Some legal issues also emerge with the use of e–books. For the moment, it is impossible to foresee whether these obstacles can be obviated and e–book publishing can become a booming industry in the near future.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár