50. évfolyam, 2004. 1. szám


Reading models in the process of indexing and abstracting



Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 14. (Vol. 50.) No. 1. 2004. pp.   54–58.

Reading – and usually repeated reading – of the full text of the document is the primordial part of the indexing work. Psycholinguistic research methods have established several, sometimes contradictory models of reading that, nevertheless, leave certain questions unclarified. The present article deals with some of the well–known aspects of reading related to the indexing of documents.

Reading with the purpose of indexing is different from reading for other purposes, as it is focusing on the identification and selection of key terms. The unique objective of the reading and understanding for documentation purposes is the analysis and interpretation of the primary document in order to generate surrogates right after the understanding. Reading in this sense is a very conscious and purposeful activity.

Consciousness must be associated with good reading skills as well as with significant practice. The most experienced the readers are, the most efficiently they will carry out the abstracting work. Reading for documentation can be described with verbal protocols and the article compares the outcomes of two studies conducted with this method.

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