49. évfolyam, 2003. 4. szám


Maros county in the books. The practical issues of cataloguing local information

FÜLÖP, Mária


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 13. (Vol. 49.) No. 4. 2003. pp.   807 – 813.

The bibliographer department of Maros County Library (Romania) decided to create a local bibliography in order to satisfy local information needs. First they defined the geographical area covered by Maros county, then they started to collect the records of famous people coming from the county. Using these sources, they launched a bibliography of biographies, the first volume of which (edited by Anna Cosma) introduces the Romanian writers of Maros county. A series of Bibliographies of Maros was also started, the 5th volume of which, called "Maros county in the books 1990 - 1999", is presented in detail by the author. Topics of the article include the selection of items for the bibliography, how the processing and the reference services based on the processed material were going on simultaneously with using TINLIB, which were the day-to-day problems of processing and indexing, and what the further development plans are.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár