49. évfolyam, 2003. 4. szám


The Bibliographer Section of the Association of Hungarian Librarians is celebrating its 30th anniversary

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 13. (Vol. 49.) No. 4. 2003. pp.   703 – 718.

As a successful example of professional self-organisation, the Bibliographer Committee within the Association of Hungarian Librarians has been founded in 1973. The Committee has grown into a section, and from 1990, it continued its work under its new name. The main goals of the Committee were to co-ordinate the cataloguing activities in Hungary and enhance the scientific quality of these activities. It has created a forum for all the outstanding bibliographers of the country who laid out development policies, discussed emerging practical issues and shared their experiences with all colleagues involved in similar activities at various types of libraries. Discussion topics showed a great diversity, from the computerisation of the Hungarian National Bibliography to its current situation, from the issue of bibliographies of periodicals and newspapers to the planning of retrospective bibliographies, and to cataloguing of local information and local history.

In her article about the work of the Bibliographer Committee, KOROMPAI Gáborné evokes the period from 1973–1990, under the presidency of CSŰRY, István then LISZTES, László. BÉNYEI Miklós, president of the bibliographical section from 1990–1998 summarises the developments of this period. The current president, NAGY Anikó reports on the activities run between 1999-2003.


Országos Széchényi Könyvtár