49. évfolyam, 2003. 4. szám


Records of web-based documents in OPAC–cataloguing electronic documents

BÁTFAI, Mária Erika


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 13. (Vol. 49.) No. 4. 2003. pp.   773 – 787.

The author provides a case study of cataloguing web-based documents by Debrecen University and National Library. Following a clarification of the general context of searching the web, the study gives an insight to the details of the cataloguing process. At Debrecen University Library, electronic documents are catalogued and added directly to the library OPAC. The documents subject to this process are all the e-journals that the library subscribes to. Cataloguers have to decide what the description unit should be, which items should be catalogued as separate records, what the document type is etc. Since 2001, the alphabetical list and the ETO-based thematic list of catalogued e-journal records, as well as the list of newly subscribed journals are displayed on the library website. Further development plans include the creation of title lists by academic disciplines.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár