49. évfolyam, 2003. 3. szám


About the bibliographies of articles

By KOLTAY, Klára

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library review) 13. (Vol. 49.) 2003. No. 3. pp. 495 – 501.

In order to understand the status of bibliographies of articles and why such services have to progress towards standardization, the author outlines the purposes of the use of such bibliographies, the ways they are used and the expectations the users may have towards them. In the typical academic library setting, users do not distinguish between service types such as bibliographies of articles, special bibliographies and tables of content. Typical article searches are done by author or by subject. The perfect database must be reliable and accurate, it must have a well defined collection interest and it must contain journal title lists. The processing must be continuous, updates must happen frequently and regularly, and time lags must be indicated clearly. It often occurs that in case the bibliography is not complete, users who are searching for a specific article have to consult an additional database, sometimes with a very different structure. It is the librarians’ task to teach users how to use the available journal collections and to ensure that journal records of online catalogues of their library do include information on related tables of contents and the availability of the full text. In order to create searching facilities by author and by subject that exceed the scope of local databases, extensive inter-library cooperation is needed. The cooperation can have various forms:

  1. Journal records of local catalogues additionally incorporate related electronic information, tables of content, abstracts, and the availability of full text. Or the shared catalogue contains all this information, indicating the location of journals.

  2. A common searching interface is created, making it possible to search across all local databases

  3. A national database of articles is created, based on local catalogues of articles. This system would be similar to the Hungarian Shared Catalogue (Magyar Országos Közös Katalógus – MOKKA) and the National Document Delivery System (Országos Dokumentum-ellátási Rendszer – ODR) that focus on monographies.

  4. The National Database of Periodical Articles (Időszaki Kiadványok Repertóriuma – IKER), stopped at the end of 2002, is restarted, but with an extended collection interest and cataloguing capacity.

In all models, records in MARC format or in a data exchange format compatible with MARC are necessary.


Országos Széchényi Könyvtár