49. évfolyam, 2003. 2. szám


A database of book history and library science

RÁCZ Ágnes

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) 13. (Vol. 49.) 2003. No. 2. pp. 295–306.


The bibliographic control of literature dealing with Hungarian book and library culture took place at different units so far. In the future it will take place in a single bibliographic database.

Library science literature has been processed in the Library Science Library of the Centre for Library Science and Methodology since the fifties (first in the journal Könyvtári Tájékoztató, then in Könyvtári Figyelő) first covering foreign literature, then, since 1962, Hungarian literature has also been included. The entries have been available in a database since 1989 (entitled Hungarian and Foreign Articles = MANCI), and retrospective processing was also started. The printed bibliography of Hungarian articles in library science called MAKSZAB is a quarterly one. The selected bibliography of foreign articles appeared in the publication „Könyvtári és Dokumentációs Szakirodalom”. Now it is included in the „From foreign journals” column of Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review).

The bibliographic control of articles regarding book history takes is realised in several places parallelly: in the editorial office of RMNY (Old Hungarian Prints), who also have relations to the international article database of book and library history (ABHB). At the Library Science Library related articles are included in the library science bibliographies, until 2002 they were also included in the Hungarian National Bibliography, Bibliography of Periodical Articles, and in its database version, as well as in the book history database of the Carpathian Basin.

Annual current bibliography appears in the Hungarian Book Review (Magyar Könyvszemle).

In the database to be created the Hungarian book history and library science literature would be covered completely, as well as Hungarica in this field (with special emphasis on the Carpathian Basin), and foreign literature selectively. The bibliography of library history is prepared in international cooperation. Literature is catalogued on the bases of Hungarian standards, and indexed according to the thesaurus of librarianship and documentation. The database has to be built within the Nektár system of the NSZL using the Amicus software.

The products that can be derived from the database: bibliography of Hungarian library history, bibliography of Hungarian library literature, Hungarian Library and Information Science abstracts, From foreign journals (column of the Library Review), the bibliography of book and library history in the Carpathian Basin since 1000 on CD-ROM. The conversion of CD-ISI databases must be solved. The study details the preparation and building of the database in Amicus, and specifies the staffing and material requirements of the work.


Országos Széchényi Könyvtár