48. évfolyam, 2002. 1–2. szám


Library users and public libraries


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 12. (Vol. 48.) No. 1-2. pp. 71 – 100.

A Dutch-Hungarian survey was made in 1999-2000 about the use of public libraries in Hungary as a part of the programme “Social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe” with the participation of Biblioservice Gelderland. The Hungarian research included all the county libraries, Budapest, and the small and medium town libraries of some selected regions. The questions of the Dutch sample questionnaire were adapted to the Hungarian public library situation by the Hungarian organisers. The 18 questions regarded three areas: composition of users, type of library use, and quality of library use. Hungarians were motivated by the chance to get a national overview by means of the survey, and that data will be suitable for international comparison, for finding out user needs, and thus to enhances the development of services. It was revealed that the users of public libraries turn to the libraries mostly to satisfy their educational information needs, and recreation is less important. Public libraries are used in the first instance by younger generations involved in self- or further training, and their majority is satisfied with the services of libraries. The work of the staff and their attitude is appreciated most. However, libraries are unable to cope with needs for Internet use, requirements for modern IT, and electronic media everywhere. This area is to be developed strongly. It is also an important conclusion of the study, that the development of information gateways, and the introduction of IT is becoming more and more important in small settlements as well.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár