47. évfolyam, 2001. 2. szám

Periodical bibliographies of counties in the Hungarian bibliographic system  


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 11. (Vol. 47.) 2001. No. 2. pp. 235-243 

The series of periodical bibliographies of counties has become complete with the most recently issued one of the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron. The first item (Bibliography of newspapers and journals issued in Somogy county) came out in 1957. Methodology, as well as conventions of editing and indexing had been refined during the years. County periodical bibliographies fill the gaps of the national bibliographic system. The Hungarian national bibliography has a bibliography of current periodicals (Időszaki Kiadványok Bibliográfiája - IKB) since 1976 that is available electronically just like the current bibliography of articles (Időszaki Kiadványok Repretóriuma - IKR). The retrospective Hungarian periodical bibliography has been compiled for the periods 1705-1849 and 1850-1867, however, the compilation of bibliographies of the other periods cannot be postponed any longer. That is to say, the national periodical bibliography is not continuous now, there are missing periods, while the periodical bibliographies of the counties describe all the periodicals issued in the given county, therefore these bibliographies fill up the gaps of the Hungarian bibliographic system, and are indispensable tools of reference work in the field of local studies and librarianship. The cumulation of these local compilations at the national level is impossible from the methodological point of view, thus the missing cycles of the national bibliography cannot be prepared by uniting these data. The continuation of the national bibliography of periodicals for the period following 1867 is a task to be solved, and so is the continuation of county periodical bibliographies. County periodical bibliographies as well as future supplements must be digitised in order to incorporate them in the UAP programme. 

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár