46. évfolyam, 2000. 3. szám

How long can a library survive?


The fundamental issue of the article is that while profit oriented enterprises can survive successfully in the Hungarian information market, libraries retreat into the branches of information services that produce no or hardly any profit, though it is librarians who are best qualified for information handling and provision. The existence and social acceptance of libraries are threatened if the profession is unable to renew itself according to the needs of the market. In order to achieve this, spreading the marketing approach in libraries, and finding the target segment of the market for them were required. User surveys could also contribute to the marketing approach of libraries, if they used this means. The merits of business information services such as rapidness, comprehensive offer, adaptation to individual needs - may be attractive for libraries as well. A static and a dynamic information service model are presented in which the attitudes of librarians illustrate the static model. The up-to-date databases of business information services are mentioned, that have not been organised by librarians, and heavily used Internet portals are not operated by librarians either. Libraries are not taking part in press review services on the net either. The services of the Hungarian Electronic Library, the digital library services of the Neumann Kht., and library services aiming at broadening traditional library functions with electronic library facilities are considered innovative. These ways and means should be recognised by libraries in order to re-formulate their identity, and re-learn their approach to be able to participate in the information society.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Észrevételek (2001/04/19)