Professional programme for the management of the National Széchényi Library
He builds on four factors when formulating the tasks of the national library: 1-2) on the founding document and the 200-year tradition of the national library (collecting hungarica, publishing the acquisitions - national bibliographic functions -, and public services), extended with modern professional requirements; 3) on UAP projects; tasks relating to archival and preservation functions; international interlending; participation in international professional organisations, maintaining services built on central catalogues; providing library-information services; assuming special library functions in the field of literary theory in Hungarian and in that of Hungarian history; library services for researchers and students); 4) meeting challenges of developing electronisation and informatics. Introducing the so-called ,controlling" system of budgeting instead of the former line-item budgeting (e.g. dividing the costs of work processes and tasks in time and according to type of cost). The budget received from the maintainer should be supplemented through applications, project financing, incomes, etc. Then the detailed ideas of the applicant concerning collection development, processing and national bibliographic functions; readers' service; preservation; computerisation and digitisation; central services; the Library Institute; research and scientific activities; stock taking; personnel policy; exhibitions, events, public relations, and the building and environment of the national library can be read.
| National Széchényi Library Comments (2000/04/19) |