Developmental trends of our public library system. Proposition for the meeting of the National Library and Documentation Council, Békéscsaba, 19 June 1968
According to statistical surveys there were 7252 independent libraries working in Hungary in 1966, the majority of which were small. The study presents the system of public library provision having developed by the 1960s. In the 1910s the model of public libraries was to be followed, but from the 1920s on the German people's library ideology prevailed (many small service points focusing on the satisfaction of the needs of borrowers). After 1949 the system of county, district and village libraries after the Soviet pattern, were introduced, maintaining deposit libraries as well. Councils were made responsible for public library provision by a departmental order of 1952. Experiences proved that in spite of its advantages, this set-up could not ensure the provision for small settlements. The network created was more of a methodological- administrative system than a hierarchical structure of provision in which smaller units were taken care of. Where the system was only able to provide methodological guidance, people's library traditions survived. It was a trend all over the world that the number of libraries had been increasing, smaller units operated as parts of larger ones sharing functions in a hierarchical manner. Meanwhile in Hungary the number of independent units decreased, though the development of the deposit system had started. Guidelines for libraries had formulated relevant aims for the development of libraries, but trends were not the same as aims. Permanent development could only be ensured keeping in harmony with world trends. The author summarises the principles of library development in 16 points, and also what tasks follow from these principles, like a library must have a full time librarian, and be able to acquire the core material; the aim of the network can only be the sharing and dissemination of services; professional control and methodological guidance cannot be separated within the network; the library provision of small settlements has to be solved by means of deposits, etc.
| National Széchényi Library Comments (2000/04/19) |