volume 44. 1998. no. 3-4.
Magyar Deutsch

User training in institutions of state higher education In Hungary

In the Information society it is a natural expectation that new graduates have skills of information gathering required to their profession and their intellectual life. Since the professional collecting, processing and providing institution of information is the library, students of academic institutions cannot help using it. Who should and who does actually train would be graduates for the use of libraries? These were the questions the author attempted to answer in November 1997 when she sent her questionnaire to 96 state institutions of higher education. There were 47 colleges and universities answering that means that the sample can be looked upon as a representative one. Of the 47 institutions surveyed, there is organised user training in 17, 13 institutions offer occasional help, while in 17 places this task is not dealt with at all. The results revealed that a) of the 16 teacher training colleges and universities, that answered, 5 offered organised user education, 5 did not do so, and in 6 institutions information on library use was given at the time of registration; b) from among colleges and universities of technical training 25 answered. There is organised user training in 44%, there were initiatives in 28% in this field, i.e: 72% of the institutions deal with the training of library users at some level; c) 6 of the colleges and universities of training in arts answered, and only one of them offers user education.

National Széchényi Library
Comments (2000/04/19)