41. évfolyam, 1995. 4. szám



Patronage or financing - chances of national special libraries


The time of state financing is over, national special libraries are supposed to find sponsors. Special libraries may lobby in this situation to acquire extra-budgetary resources. Lobbying should take place not only in the Parliament, but also at institutions, and with private persons who would be willing to invest in libraries. A circle of patron institutions should be established around libraries following foreign patterns. For example, the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is supported by "Pro Bibliotheca Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae", and the Friends of the National Széchényi Library also deal with such an activity. It is important to find domestic resources. Abroad there are specialists members of the staff dealing with development, public relations, and also with exploring financial resources. We should also follow the practice of employing staff especially for this task. Library managers should think it over how they could make economic management more efficient (e.g. collection analysis, state-of -the-art reports could help a lot). A part of national special libraries are suffering of disfunctionality since they have university students of the field as their users, but they cannot cope with them in terms of the number of copies, seats, etc. It is also possible to further investigate reserves in cooperation and to utilise them better. (pp. 591-595)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár