41. évfolyam, 1995. 3. szám



On the future of public libraries


Drawing the image of the future has two functions: on the one hand it prepares the institutions for the tasks they have to perform and structural changes to be carried out; on the other hand, it is a chance for outlining optimal conceptions. Though circumstances are constantly changing around us, there are factors by the analysis of which the librarianship of the future may be sketched. The future of libraries is determined by social, economic, political and technological factors. Besides, trends in the library and information world (such as standardised operation, the value for money approach, availability of information instead of documents, etc.) should also be taken into account. The author presents optimistic and pessimistic approaches as well through foreign examples to the view of the future of public libraries. (pp. 393-399)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár