41. évfolyam, 1995. 3. szám |
Archívum |
Information brokerage in the Press Databank of the Hungarian News Agency
The Hungarian News Agency (HNA) was founded as the 6th news agency of the world. Nowadays its rich, full-text database is also contributing to its fame. The news database, containing pieces of news issued by the HNA since 1988, is a factual, textual subsystem on information in foreign or domestic policy, economy, sport, culture, etc. prepared in the news agency or coming from other sources. The HNA has dealt with documentation since the 50s, first on group, then on department, later on editorial level. The traditional documentation consisted of a UDC-based card catalogue system. Since the full-text database of news was created, the traditional catalogue has become superfluous. The Press Database of the HNA is available to anyone, however, services must be paid for. Information brokerage belongs to these services, too. This involves information services on the phone, in the first instance, and the satisfaction of external and internal information needs. Services are provided by the staff of the database. If internal data are not available for answering a request, external services are used on the basis of a profile list. There are many subscribers to their SDI service. The "anticipated events" subsystem is a new service, just like the provision of graphic data online. (pp. 442-447)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |