41. évfolyam, 1995. 3. szám



Higher education in Hungary and World Bank funding

ALLISON, Christine

Experts of the World Bank lay great emphasis on supporting the higher education system of East and Central Europe. The developments aim at the modernisation of the structure of education, the curriculum and to increase the number of students further. In 1990 the Hungarian government prepared the Hungarian Human Resources program for the World Bank in which they asked support for the development of the Hungarian higher education system. The Development of the Hungarian Higher Education System project was also supported by the Japanese government. Since the support is a loan, it is important to use it for the development of fields which will be profitable within a foreseeable period of time, and will make the return of the loans possible. Central funding will decrease in this field due to the present economic state of Hungary, but circumstances may be improved by tuition fees, and other novel constructions of payment. (pp. 419-421)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár