41. évfolyam, 1995. 1. szám



Five years of the training in library informatics in Debrecen through the eyes of an old student


A student from among the ones graduating in library informatics first at the Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen tells her opinion on the training. She considers the course an important element of the graduate training of librarians in Hungary, since it is a non-conventional, more up-to-date form of education. She examines the changing curriculum reflecting modem needs, and compares the new curriculum with the former one, compiled with respect to the experiences of the five years. Comparison is made with the curriculum of the postgraduate training of information experts at the Lóránd Eötvös University, Budapest, which is an example of teaching practical knowledge. She also mentions the conference held in Debrecen in October, 1994 under the title “State and trends of the training of librarians in Hungary". The conference was organised because full time training in library informatics was introduced at the Lajos Kossuth University for the first time in Hungary. The employment rate of the first students graduating, and the appearance of students in various professional forums show that the training was successful. (pp. 58-62)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár