40. évfolyam, 1994. 3. szám |
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The automated current periodicals bibliography and its services
NAGY Zsoltné
The National Széchényi Library ventured to prepare a bibliography of current periodicals on regular basis first in 1976 when Kurrens Időszaki Kiadványok (Current Serials) was started. Magyar Nemzeti Bibliográfia. Időszaki Kiadványok Bibliográfiája (Hungarian National Bibliography. Bibliography of Serials) had been published annually since 1981, then biannually after 1986. Due to the lack of software capable of the preparation of the national bibliography of periodicals, the registration of data was solved by a Micro-ISIS based software developed at the National Széchényi Library creating the Magyar Periodika Adatbázis (Hungarian Periodical Database). The database is available on-line as an element of a network today. The database contains the records of periodicals issued in Hungary, received by the national library as legal deposits. The content of the database, the search options, the records derivable from the database, and the services based on the HPD are summarized in the study. (pp. 361-367)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |