40. évfolyam, 1994. 3. szám |
Archívum |
The Periodicals Group started to work
BILLÉDI Ferencné
Following foreign examples (such as the vast projects related to the development of the handling of periodicals in libraries initiated by the Serials Section of IFLA, and the European Association of Serials' Societies being organized these days, etc.) it occurred that a similar organization would be necessary in Hungary, too. In November 1993 Hungarian library experts subscribed to the plans, and the Library of the Budapest Technical University assumed the task of coordinating the organization. Activities started in April 1994 with the meeting entitled "Periodicals : current issues". The contributions of Zsoltné Nagy and Graham Waters included in our present issue were also prepared for this event. (pp. 359-360)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |