40. évfolyam, 1994. 1. szám |
Archívum |
Registration of research in Hungary
The plans of a comprehensive, national research information system are just being elaborated under the leadership of the Committee of Science Policy. The existing practice is confused, there are several institutions keeping records of research, however, nationwide registration has not been solved. According to a statute of 1982, the National Technical Library and information Centre is responsible for research registration not only in the field of technology, but also in almost all the areas of scientific research. They issue a list of Hungarian research institutes and compile a database of research reports. The database HRDS (Hungarian Research and Development Information System) is meant to inform foreigners, KUFINT (Magyar Kutatási és Fejlesztési Intézetek) is a database of Hungarian R&D Institutions in English and Hungarian. The English language database of the International Technological Institute, called HUNTECH, offers information on recent Hungarian products. The Library of the Budapest Technological University registers the scientific publications of the university staff in a computerized database. OTKA, the National Scientific Research Fund, has an inventory of research activities having gained support from the fund with the aim of internal information. The computerized registration of research activities belonging to the branch is good in two ministries (health and environment protection). Research in the social sciences is processed in a bulky volume issued by TÁRKI, the Social Science Information Union. This survey underlines the strong need for national, central registration, and until there is no legal regulation, it is advisable to cooperate on the bases of agreements to avoid parallel research. (pp. 29-34)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |