39. évfolyam, 1993. 4. szám



Information specialists for Hungary - a summarizing evaluation of the TEMPUS programme.


In June 1993 the Library and Information Science Department of the Faculty of Liberal Arts of the Budapest University (ELTE), the Hannover College (Fachhochschule Hannover, Fachbereich Bibliothekswesen, Information and Dokumentation) and the library science department of the Deventer College (Rijkshogesschool Ijselland) organized a meeting to mark the ending of their cooperation in the past three years in the framework of the TEMPUS programme. The participants reported on the forms of cooperation, the results of the practical and methodological activities aimed at modernizing library and information science education in Hungary. In the appendix of the report the subjects of the basic-level training in library and information science in Hungary are listed. (pp. 561-571)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár