39. évfolyam, 1993. 4. szám



Ethnic bibliography and documentation in Hungary from the outset until today. Part 1.


The problem of ethnic minorities has been a central issue in the political and social life of Hungary for 200 years. Ethnicity-related literature was first documented in bibliographies of special disciplines as well as in regional and local bibliographies. The first bibliographies devoted entirely to ethnic issues were published, mainly by the Budapest Public Library, in the years before and during the first World War. After the Trianon Peace Treaty centers on ethnic studies were established and given the responsibility of preparing ethnic bibliographies and reviews. The first part of the article presents, selecting from the publications of these research centers, the bibliographies and reviews of the Hungarian Society of Foreign Affairs, the Institute of Political Science, the Hungarian Institute of Sociography, the Institute of Minority Studies at the Pécs University and the Instutute of Minority Rights at the Budapest University. As for the periodical literature the authors emphasize the extraordinary merits of Magyar Kisebbség (Hungarian Minorities, 1922-1942) published in Lugos, Romania, and Láthatár (Horizon, 1933-1944) edited by Zoltán Csuka. (pp. 545-560)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár