38. évfolyam, 1992. 2. szám



The activities of the Centre for Library and Information Science at the National Széchényi Library in 1992.

The overview was compiled according to the basic functions of the institution. The coordination activity of the Centre covers three fields: 1. secretarial-organization tasks related with the Chamber of Libraries and Information Institutes, 2. foundations and competitions abroad and in Hungary, 3. expert activities (participation in the debates on the law on civil service and on the draft library law etc.). - Advisory and bibliographic activities related to collection development were provided on an increased amount of books in the acquisition aid “Új Könyvek”, and the renewal of services by computeri-sation was started. The Calendar of events and - as a database - the Calendar of anniversaries was edited. The bibliographical plans of libraries were also maintained as a database. - In the field of reading sociology the following subjects were of strategic importance: 1. the reading culture of Hungarians living outside the borders of Hungary, 2. the reading culture of future teachers, 3. library conflicts, 4. the reading skills of 9-14-year-olds. The related research reports have been or are being prepared. - Education and consultation included continuing the courses of library assistants and of information specialists; and together with the Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen a course of information specialists in humanities was started. The total number of participants at these courses amounted to 430. Teaching aids were compiled (a chrestomathy on reading, examples on bibliographic description, The representation of information); and tasks of methodological guidance and professional consultation have also been fulfilled. In August 1992, together with the World Federation of Hungarians, the 3rd professional meeting of Hungarian librarians from all over the world was organized in the National Széchényi Library. - In the Library Science Library the number of readers and books has increased, that of requests for copying and interlibrary lending has decreased. The rules of borrowing have been made stricter, so that more readers can be served. In the exam periods the opening hours have been made longer, the increase coming to 56 hours a year. The library's publications (MAKSZAB, KF, HLISA) and the databases (MANCI, THES, IFLA, library addresses) continued to be edited. (pp. 185-193)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár