38. évfolyam, 1992. 1. szám


Principled considerations for the establishment of community centres in small towns.

N. NAGY Katalin

According to political declarations in Hungary today, after the change-over to parliamentary democracy, the adult education based on quasi-cooperation of unequal partners, directed from above and from outside, is over. The legal regulations of culture, however, still include the priorities of the central state power. The essay seeks an answer to the question: what opportunities for thinking and what scope of action are open for the specialist in this transition period with uncertain consequences. The author is looking for the ordering principles in the operation of cultural institutions of self-governments (public libraries, houses of culture) which are actually "dying" between old and new ideals. She takes the view that the community centre relying on the theory of open education and organized around library activities is one of the institutions which can be for the local communities the scene and inductive force of real social action, corresponding to the needs of democracy. The professional level of the institution's work should be measured by the standard of service. (pp. 66-72)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár