36. évfolyam, 1990. 5-6. szám



The current national bibliography of periodicals and its database.

NAGY Zsoltné

The annual bibliography of periodicals was first published in 1976 as an individual branch of the system of the Hungarian national bibliography. This bibliography includes, besides publications traditionally considered as periodicals, also yearbooks and reports that have so far been listed among books. From 1985 on the number of periodicals has extremely increased and thus the scope of the national bibliography had to be revised. From 1988 computerised processing became inevitable. As first, two databases were developed: the ISSN database and the database of periodicals. After initial experience the two databases were merged in 1989 under the name Bibliography of Periodicals. It includes data for bibliographic description, filing and record-keeping. The database provides the following services: multi-aspect search, production of records with full or abridged bibliographic description, and publishing. (pp. 446-452)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár