36. évfolyam, 1990. 5-6. szám



The general retrospective national bibliography. Accomplishments, tasks, methods.


It was the National Conference on Bibliography in 1961 that assigned the tasks to be solved in the field of general retrospective national bibliography in the part 30 years. As regards the scope of the national bibliography, the two most controversial issues are the following: the concept of Patriotica and comprehensiveness vs. selectivity. There are gaps in the bibliographic listing of Hungarian-language materials; it is, however, more striking that the production of bibliographies on Hungarians and Hungary-related issues is not mentioned in the long-range plans either. The author is for aiming at completeness and supports her opinion by arguments. The arrangement of retrospective cumulative volumes and the bibliographic description applied should be adjusted to the requirements of the periods and types of materials in question. Computerised information services mean a new way for the bibliographies of the present and the future only, they may not detain the completion of the comprehensive system of retrospective national bibliography in the traditional way. (pp. 453-464)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár