51. évfolyam, 2005. 3. szám


Collections of social sciences literature in Hungary: the Hungarian Central Statistical Office Library and Documentation Services

NEMES Erzsébet

Könyvtári Figyelõ (Library Review) vol. 15. (51.) 2005. no. 3. pp. 519 – 526.

The prestigious library of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office was founded in 1867 by Károly Keleti, the first president of the office. Since 1897, the library offers open access to the public and has a legal deposit right. With its more than 750,000 volumes and despite the damages suffered during World War II, the library currently represents one of the oldest and largest collections of statistical data not only in Hungary, but also in Europe. Its continuous development is ensured not only by the legal deposit right of the library, but also by the own publications of the statistical office and by the exchanges with over 400 foreign libraries. The infrastructural development that started in 2001 as well as the introduction of the OLIB integrated system represented an important milestone in improving the quality of services. In December 2003, the library appeared on the World Wide Web. Its homepage and online catalogue can be accessed at http://lib.ksh.hu

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár