51. évfolyam, 2005. 2. szám


The Digital Academic Textbooks Collection and the DocBook XML markup language

The digitisation project of the Kempelen Farkas Student Information and Resource Centre


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) vol. 15. (51.) 2005. no. 2. pp. 286 – 294.

The Digital Academic Textbooks Collection, carried out at the Student Information and Resource Centre (Hallgatói Információs Központ – HIK), provides textbooks in digital form for students and academic staff. The project received funding from the Hungarian Ministry of Education. The project started with digitising the most urgently needed and most popular university textbooks. The digital delivery of textbooks is cheaper than the print delivery, and the digital format also enables users to use the texts in a more interactive way. In the digitisation process, the DocBook XML format is used. XML makes it possible to deliver, from the DocBook source file, the same content in different formats.

Tasks of the textbook project were divided between the HIK and the publishers. Copyright issues were dealt with by the publishers. Publishers also prepared the XML texts on the basis of the same pattern. The HIK takes care of checking the texts and converting them into html files. The texts are hosted on the server of the textbook collection and can be used free of charge during a period of 15 years. Staff of the collection hopes to continue the digitisation with further government support. Longer term plans include the production of complex e-learning packages.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár