51. évfolyam, 2005. 2. szám |
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Reflections on the future of University Libraries
Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) vol. 15. (51.) 2005. no. 2. pp. 326 – 331.
The University and University College sector in the UK includes 171 universities and colleges, of varying size and focus. University libraries must reflect the strategic needs and priorities of their institutions, and respond to government initiatives, particularly those associated with widening participation and the introduction of variable fees. The response
to these trends has been more professional financial management, and a more directed and managerial approach to planning and evaluating services.
There are a number of important challenges facing university libraries. Responding to the changing role of information technology is crucial to the delivery of services as users expect the flexibility offered by electronic delivery. The building of a strong service culture is essential in an environment in which the student is increasingly seen as a customer.
Library staff must broaden their skill base, and exploit their natural gift for networking, particularly with other professional groups. The university library as a physical environment is also changing with a focus on inter-professional activity, public space and a flexible study environment.
The modern university library must offer a range of services which are virtual, distributed and hybrid in terms of electronic and print delivery, and which are increasingly delivered in collaboration with other service providers. Librarians are seen as integrators, able to bring together a wide range of resources in support of their institutions.
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