50. évfolyam, 2004. 4. szám


An overview of professional codes of ethics for librarians in foreign countries

PAPP, István


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review), vol. 14. (50.) 2004. no. 4. pp. 807 – 824.

The committee working on the first code of professional practice for librarians, commissioned by the Association of Hungarian Librarians and the Hungarian Library Institute (see more information, in the issue 2/2004 of HLR) studied the codes of ethics of a number of foreign library associations. Examples of codes of ethics are presented from the United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Estonia, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Thailand and the United States. The article offers summaries in table format in order to facilitate the comparison of the various standpoints regarding core values and missions, as well as the answers to issues like meeting user needs, collection and service development, ways of cooperation, professional prestige, the relations between employers and employees, legal issues and attitudes towards the code of professional conduct.


Országos Széchényi Könyvtár