50. évfolyam, 2004. 4. szám | Archívum |
BJÖRK, Bo-Christer: Open access to scientific publications – an analysis of the barriers to change.
(Information Research, 2004. 2. no.)
Summary by Koltay, Tibor
Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review), vol. 14. (50.) 2004. no. 4. pp. 841 – 850.
The publishing of scientific content has been significantly enhanced with the advent of the Internet. Open access means that users do not have to pay for accessing the scientific publications provided that they do not further distribute them. From bibliographies, one can link to the full text of articles free of charge. Scientists are greatly motivated to make open access a general practice. The main channels of open access are: peer-reviewed scholarly journals in electronic form; the pre-print archives established in specific scientific fields; the article repositories of individual universities; and the authors’ websites. The barriers to open access are: unclear legal frameworks; the lack of the adequate IT infrastructure, business models and indexing standards; the inadequacy of the system of promotions for scientists; the insufficiency of marketing strategies and the lack of critical mass of participants.
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