50. évfolyam, 2004. 3. szám | Archívum |
The library of the Budapest History Museum
KOVÁCS, Valéria
Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review), vol. 14. (50.) 2004. no. 3. pp. 547 – 557.
The first local history museums date of the end of the 19th century. In Hungary, it was Flóris RÓMER who first recommended the establishment of the Municipal Museum that would collect and display objects in connection with the history of the capital. The idea was supported by the decision makers of the capital, however, the first municipal museum was opened in a temporary building and this is where it continued to operate for several decades. The Budapest History Museum finally occupied its current premises in the museum complex of Buda Palaces in 1967, but some of its departments have remained located in other districts of Budapest. The organisation of the document collections at various departments started at that time, and in 1973, a central library was created incorporating the previous Archaeological Library, as well as the libraries of Medieval history and the Early Modern Period. The library of the Budapest History Museum provides only limited access to public, its mission being the provision of professional literature for researchers in the area of archaeological and museum-related research and activities.
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |