50. évfolyam, 2004. 1. szám


About Farkas GYALUI, his work and the message he conveyed to future generations



Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review), vol. 14. (50.), 2004. no. 4. pp. 13–15.

The article is an introduction to and a recommendation of the study by Gyalui, F. first published in 1904 and included in the present issue of Library Review. Gyalui (1866–1952) worked at the university library of Kolozsvár (Cluj, in Romania) as a librarian, then from 1911 as the director of the library. Between 1901 and 1919, he was also a visiting professor at the University of Kolozsvár and contributed to the training of librarians. He formed his own rigorous concepts concerning the development of libraries, the training in librarianship and the publishing industry in Hungary on the basis of his knowledge of library systems in Western European countries. Many of his statements made 100 years ago are still relevant today.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár