50. évfolyam, 2004. 1. szám


BROOKS, Sam: Hungarian research and scholarly information.

Translated by Hegyközi, I.


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 14. (Vol. 50.) No. 1. 2004. pp.   83–95.

The Senior Vice President of EBSCO Publishing presents the latest news on the database package available for Hungarian libraries in the framework of the Hungarian national licence. The article covers such features as searchable citations, native pdf, EBSCO’s linking capabilities, the abstracting and indexing work carried out by EBSCO staff, as well as the administrative function called EBSCOadmin. The author also explains the importance of multidisciplinary content, peer reviewed journals, unique titles, the measure of backfile expansion, and the overlap with leading bibliographical databases that are today’s quality attributes for aggregated content services.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár