49. évfolyam, 2003. 3. szám


Newspaper and periodical articles in the local collections of county libraries. Outcomes of a survey


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library review) 13. (Vol. 49.) 2003.  No. 2003. pp. 503 –509.

The author conducted a survey based on a questionnaire at the 19 county libraries in Hungary. The aim of the survey was to clarify, with which methods and tools, in which quantity and depth these libraries are cataloguing periodical articles as part of their everyday functioning, and based on the records, what services they are offering to their users. The outcome of the survey was that the local history librarians’ work at county libraries is satisfactory, but parallel, sometimes overlapping local cataloguing efforts are going on at smaller libraries in the county. Cataloguing is automated, but the individual integrated systems need to be developed and linked together, which is not possible out of own resources. The common thesaurus should be used for cataloguing, but the exchange of records needs to be resolved. The questionnaire itself is attached to the article.


Országos Széchényi Könyvtár