49. évfolyam, 2003. 2. szám


Library provision of small settlements in Vas County


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) 13. (Vol. 49.) 2003. No. 2. pp. 334–339.


The 260 thousand inhabitants of Vas County live in 216 settlements. 54% of the inhabitants live in 10 settlements, and 33% live in settlements with populations less than 1000 (in 182 villages). In the majority (83%) of the settlements the local government maintains a library. Due to the large number of small settlements it should be considered how the library provision of people living in small settlements could be organised more efficiently to meet their special needs better. Is it worth maintaining a library in settlements with less than 600 people? If not, how and what alternative library services can be offered? The author outlines the library provision system of the county, and specifies the tasks of the small regional provision. However, in order to make library services more efficient new approaches are also required both at the level of library policy, and on behalf of community governments and librarianship.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár