49. évfolyam, 2003. 2. szám


Libraries in the EU’s IST (Information Society Technologies)


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) 13. (Vol. 49.) 2003. No. 2. pp. 359–366.


East and Central European countries may also join the programs of the EU since 1994. The European Commission made a contract with 10 countries about the participation including Hungary. The most important project of the 5th Framework Programme (FP5), finished in 2002, ran under the title „Information Society Technologies” (IST). The eEurope (containing the eContent) programme is also worth mentioning. The report describes the DIGICULT (digitisation in EU countries) programme, and subprogrammes related to it (Delos, Cultivate, Pulman) which dealt with the support of digital libraries, the creation of user friendly access, the documentation of regional cultural heritage, and the development of information technology. FP6, started in 2002, makes efforts for the development of the research and technological development of member countries (ERA, European Research Area). The ITC programme offering possibilities to libraries can be found among its seven major topics. The DIGICULT programme focuses on learning the ensuring of availability in this phase. Hungarian librarianship was represented properly in the EU programmes so far, and it is its interest to remain active in the future, too.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár