49. évfolyam, 2003. 2. szám | Archívum |
The feasibility of a national bibliography of articles with complete coverage
BERKE Barnabásné
Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) 13. (Vol. 49.) 2003. No. 2. pp. 263–270.
The antecedents of the ceasing of processing of current periodicals: in the autumn of 2002 the management of the NSZL negotiated the possible rationalisation of periodical articles’ processing within the library, and the possible integration of the existing three databases of the NSZL (Hungarian National Bibliography, Database of Periodicals, Hungarica Information, Database of Hungarian and Foreign Articles) into one single database. The leaders of the article processing departments prepared a feasibility study in which overlaps were analysed and made suggestions concerning the possible collection interests and the possibilities of common processing. Problems dealt with in the study were the following: how many departments are involved in article processing in the NSZL; what should be the collection interest of the NSZL with respect to article processing; what is required by law; has the Database of Periodicals needs so far; is it necessary to build a national bibliography of articles; if yes, who will participate in the work. According to the author, a MOKKA for articles would be set up (MOKKA is the national online union catalogue of monographs). She suggests that a library consortium should make a survey of existing article databases all over Hungary (preparing a list of periodical titles processed), and deciding which institution is responsible for the processing of a given journal. The level of processing and the number of articles processed must be agreed upon, and a common database of standardized authority data must be built.
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |