48. évfolyam, 2002. 4. szám


SHIMMON, Ross: Can libraries contribute to bridge the digital gap? (Abstr.: Katsányi Sándor)

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 12. (Vol. 48.) No. 4. 2002. pp. 737. – 740.

The author seeks the answer to the question if information and communication technology is able to help people handicapped in accessing information in catching up? The OECD had a study made on this problem, and official proposals were formulated for the overcoming of information handicaps by the Okinawa Charta of the Eights, and the Geneva meeting in the report of the DOT (Digital Opportunity Task) Force. IFLA reacted to this as the representative of librarianship offering its aid to the work of the DOT Force. There are proposals, the question is what are the chances of the less experienced library associations of developing countries for taking these opportunities.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár