48. évfolyam, 2002. 4. szám


LYNCH, C.: Struggle for the definition of the future of books (Abstr.: Koltay Tibor)

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 12. (Vol. 48.) No. 4. 2002. pp. 701. – 722.

The role of books in the digital world needs reconsideration after the emergence of the digital book. A lot of questions arise concerning the role of this new "type of document". E.g. how can a digital book be used, lent, cited? Do our expectations regarding the constancy of documents change? What technology is required to be able to read them? What will be our relation to private and commercial digital libraries, digital bookstores, etc? Further problems dealt with in the study: the occurrence of new genres may be expected (e.g. for the combination of paper and network); is it enough of books are translated, converted to digital form; what do content services offer, what are consumers’ expectations, and what difficulties the global market has to face; how should legal issues be tackled, what kind of control is required, should there be censorship, how will book publishing change, how will practical e–book reading equipment look like, what aid is offered by standardization, does the users of an e–book own an object or availability; what will be the status of digital books in future libraries; how can the continuity of availability and the safeguarding of intellectual heritage be realised in the digital environment, etc.

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