47. évfolyam, 2001. 4. szám

Recent battles in the periodical market.
The final battle or a standing war?


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series, 11. (Vol. 47.) No. 4. pp. 690 – 693.

Members of SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), universities and research institutes, accepted that they buy SPARC supported publications for the value of 7,500 USD annually. Electronic publishing could reduce costs, but researchers insist that their articles be available through abstracting and indexing services. The Public Library of Science (PloS) makes efforts to convince publishers that the full text of articles in their journals should be put into archives open to the public, otherwise researchers will boycott these journals. According to another proposal, authors may themselves archive articles that have already got through review. Libraries may help academic institutions in changing the situation in journal publishing by supporting alternative ways of publishing.

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