47. évfolyam, 2001. 4. szám

User interface of union catalogues on the web


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series, 11. (Vol. 47.) 2001. No. 4. pp. 659 – 671.

The first generation of OPACs was essentially an automated version of card catalogues offering the same data and retrieval possibilities as card catalogues. The second generation of OPACs, using keyword search and Boolean operators appeared by the middle of the 1980s. From the end of the 1990s the use of webPACs (online catalogues with web interface) is characteristic. The last one has the advantage over the former generations that it uses graphic tools and hypertext possibilities offered by the web. The concept of the catalogue has broadened since it offers more than information on the material of one single library. The author enumerates typical problems encountered during search from the users' point of view, and tries to answer them pointing out how these difficulties may be overcome by creating proper search environment. She summarizes the characteristic features of the three search possibilities (browsing, simple and advanced search), demonstrates the problems of keyword search, the issues related to the display of hits, and illustrates the examples with screens.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár