47. évfolyam, 2001. 3. szám

Unusual recommendation to a book


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 11. (Vol. 47.) 2001. No. 3. pp. 436. 

On the occasion of the re-edition of a study from 1869 entitled “Közkönyvtáraink s az egy országos könyvtár” (Our public libraries and the one national library) by Károly Szász

Our public libraries and the one national library


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 11. (Vol. 47.) No. 3. pp. 437-448.

In 1869 the author wrote three articles on librarianship in Hungary upon the request of József Eötvös, minister of religious affairs and education. The library of the academy of sciences, that of the university and of the (national) museum were the three most significant libraries of our library system at that time. They worked almost completely independently from one-another that lead to inconsistencies and gaps in collection development. It occurred for the government that a general, universal national library should be established.

Károly Szász pointed out that the lack of financial resources, and the unique character of the collections made the integration of the three libraries in a new building, as well as the unified processing and ordering of their material impossible. Financial resources were also lacking for the completion of the gaps of the three existing collections thus making all the three complete universal libraries. Considering resources and the peculiarities of the collections, the only solution could be to establish strong links among the three libraries, and develop their collection systematically and harmoniously. The museum (national) library is responsible primarily for being the Hungarian national library (collecting all the Hungarian works, or those concerning Hungary), the mission of the library of the academy is to support Hungarian science with literature, and by presenting domestic and foreign scientific achievements, while the university library, being the most encyclopaedic one in all disciplines serves mainly the lecturers and students of the university.

The three libraries, with their collection interests harmonised, lead by a national director general (with directors heading each library), and receiving three (plus one official) legal deposit copies as an enhancement to their acquisition would form together the one universal national library. The author has elaborated a well-defined collection profile, based on the traditions of collection development, so that they formed a universal collection together.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár