47. évfolyam, 2001. 2. szám

Electronic documents and their use in libraries. 
State of the art  


Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review) New Series 11. (Vol. 47.) 2001. No. 2. pp. 275-297 

The present state-of-the-art report gives a survey of electronic documents belonging to the collection interest and scope of service of various foreign libraries, and a questionnaire survey carried out electronically and its assessment are also presented. Related issues: 

  1. Handling of electronic documents in libraries; 
  2. Locally accessible electronic documents; 
  3. Electronic documents accessible from a distance, its types; 
  4. Subscription, free availability; 
  5. Lending, interlending; 
  6. Problems of copyright; 
  7. Digitised collections, electronic libraries; 
  8. Discussion groups, mailing lists; 
  9. Legal deposit copies of electronic documents; 
  10. Bibliographic control of electronic documents at the national level, consequences and suggestions; 
  11. Questionnaire Survey a tabular summary of the answers got from 21 large libraries of the world with notes. 

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár