46. évfolyam, 2000. 4. szám

A database of the sound documents of the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in the integrated system of the National Széchényi Library

BÁNFI Szilvia

The establishment of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) was justified by international political relations following World War II. The experimental Hungarian broadcast started in 1950 in New York, and in 1951 Munich became the European centre of RFE/RL that had mediated the opinion of those living in emigration until it ceased to work in 1993. After its closing down a copy of the documents of the Hungarian board was given to the National Széchényi Library, while the material of the Research Institute of RFE/RL was donated to the Open Society Foundation (Central European University). The original documents are stored at the Hoover Institute, Stanford University, California. It was a part of the contract that RFE/RL documents have to be processed in a database and made available for the public. Processing takes place in the integrated system of the NSzL (AMICUS) having developed the standards of describing these documents. An analysis of the material already processed (1394 broadcasts) shows that the majority of the copied programmes are from the 1990s, and there are much less from the period of the political change. Considering the types of programmes it was found that informative programmes were preserved mainly. Since documents regarding the activity of RFE/RL can also be found in other Hungarian institutions beside the NSzL, a virtual RFE/RL archive could be established for RFE/RL documents. 


Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Észrevételek (2001/03/19)