46. évfolyam, 2000. 3. szám

The significance of teaching “library informatics” at universities


The basic idea of the study is that permanent education, and participation in further and new training courses, offering a last chance for many, become essential for broader and broader strata of society either under existential pressure, or due to individual motives. However, those participating in any kind of training cannot do without the use of libraries, having good collections and services, and the help of librarians. The study gives a sketch of the history of user education in the field of technical training in Hungary and abroad. On the bases of the author's own experience, gained in the Miskolc University library as a librarian and a teacher, ideas regarding the teaching of librarianship and informatics are summarised. One of the important issues is to decide who should teach what. The author is of the opinion that a joint effort of lecturers and librarians is required in an optimal case to lead students to sources of technical literature. Beside indispensable theoretical and historical knowledge, training should focus on information retrieval and use. He considers it important that not only the the techniques of information searching be taught, but also topcis of general concern like behaviour, dressing, presentation, writing, career development, etc., close to real life, be dealt with. 

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Észrevételek (2001/04/19)